eytang8@yahoo.com sup?
vongolaprimo uh nothing much
eytang8@yahoo.com any games today?
vongolaprimo weird shit just happened to me in first period idk
eytang8@yahoo.com What happened?
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo well this really hot senior chick who sits in my group just asked me if she could use my jacket for the whole period cuz she's cold
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm
vongolaprimo yeah
vongolaprimo when I got it back it smelled really good lol
eytang8@yahoo.com lawl
vongolaprimo yeah I know
vongolaprimo too bad she's taken though lol
eytang8@yahoo.com aw
eytang8@yahoo.com how unfortunate
eytang8@yahoo.com But how about the other girls?
vongolaprimo hm
vongolaprimo no luck there lol
vongolaprimo uh u there?
eytang8@yahoo.com now I am
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo hey does this make sense? "The overwhelming weight of our lives to come and the uncertainty of time hung over us."
eytang8@yahoo.com kind of
eytang8@yahoo.com It looks like it does
vongolaprimo I kinda revised it. Look at my status now
vongolaprimo and tell me if that's better
eytang8@yahoo.com I think the first is better
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo alright cool
eytang8@yahoo.com 'cause it seems to be saying that the future is dark and uncertain
vongolaprimo yeah
vongolaprimo lol guess where I got it from
eytang8@yahoo.com It sounds like A Tale of Two Cities
eytang8@yahoo.com or some manga
vongolaprimo ahaha
vongolaprimo it's from 5 cm lol I'm testing this thing if it's working for the ps3
vongolaprimo and kinda watching it
vongolaprimo so all that's left is to make my mom watch it
eytang8@yahoo.com lol
vongolaprimo starchin' ur jawns? Err what does that mean? lol
eytang8@yahoo.com Starching my jeans
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo wtf]
vongolaprimo what does that do?
vongolaprimo I mean what will happe
vongolaprimo if u do that?
vongolaprimo *happen
eytang8@yahoo.com makes the jeans stiffer
eytang8@yahoo.com so creases form more sharply
vongolaprimo stiffer..as in hard?
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo won't that make it like..
eytang8@yahoo.com Feels kind of like cardboard now
vongolaprimo hard to move round it?
eytang8@yahoo.com I might've put too much
vongolaprimo *in
eytang8@yahoo.com It's not so bad
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo what are the creases again? =_=
eytang8@yahoo.com folded parts
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo hm I don't have any folded parts in my jeans anymore lol
vongolaprimo they all got messed up cuz I drag it around lol
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm
vongolaprimo goddamn, Clone Syaoran is so bad ass lol
eytang8@yahoo.com breaking shit
eytang8@yahoo.com killing people
eytang8@yahoo.com eating eyes
vongolaprimo lol yeah
vongolaprimo I wish I was a bit taller
eytang8@yahoo.com so do I
vongolaprimo I'd cosplay as him
vongolaprimo I need to be a bit skinnier too though
eytang8@yahoo.com you seem slim enough
vongolaprimo hm I guess
vongolaprimo I just feeling like acting like a heartless bastard one of thee days and look cool with a blue eye at least just one time
vongolaprimo * feel
vongolaprimo *these
eytang8@yahoo.com that'd be pretty awesome
vongolaprimo yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com I gotta get off the computer now
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo alright same here
vongolaprimo gotta do hw